Q: Is this a writing course?

A: Students write their stories, but don’t need to have a professional writing background. There isn’t a focus on the craft of writing, but rather on the story. In the process students often improve their writing skills. The group doesn’t critique, but rather encourages.  You can add more pages, edit and refine the work later.

For those wordsmiths who want to write a substantial memoir, but are faced with writers’ block or are feeling overwhelmed, taking the Writing Life Stories 4-week class is a great first step to help you get the material down on paper and move forward.


Q: Can I do the educational modules on my own time?

A: Yes. Every week, you will receive a module that includes great articles, video clips, poems and exercises that you do at home whenever you like. Each module usually takes about 30 minutes or so. You also receive the important writing assignment which includes the theme and provocative questions. Writing should take you about an hour.


Q: What benefits do I get by sharing my story aloud with Barbara and the group during Group Coaching Meetings?

A: Barbara offers her expertise and answers your questions to help guide you on your memoir journey. In traditional programs, you only share your work once or twice per semester. When you read your story aloud to a small, supportive group, they cheerlead you and offer positive comments. This sharing element, as well as owning your voice and telling your own story, has many benefits and is a significant part of the course. Confidentiality is emphasized and lifelong friendships are often forged.


Q: How is this different than a memoir writing class at the local college?

A: Unlike typical memoir writing classes, students don’t need to read memoirs, focus on the craft of writing or spend years writing and rewriting the same pages. Nor do students receive hurtful or toxic criticism. As a trained instructor and well-respected writer, Barbara will use themes and priming questions that will help you focus on significant memories and events in your life. Students write one story that’s about 1-2 pages weekly and then layer in secondary stories. Typical memoir writing classes are also geared toward commercial publication; Barbara helps people write stories to leave to their loved ones as a legacy.


Q: Can you tell me more about Barbara’s teaching method?

Barbara’s teaching method is based on coursework developed and taught at USC and UCLA for over 30 years. Thousands of college students, professionals and retirees have taken this kind of guided autobiography course. Extensive research in academic journals has proven that while on this exploration, participants gain a multitude of benefits including increased resilience and self-confidence, compassion for others and a greater appreciation of their own lives.


Q: Why is Barbara’s guided storytelling process so beneficial?

Using a guided storytelling process, the writing comes quickly and easily, giving extremely rewarding results. Students in traditional memoir classes often get overwhelmed by the enormity of the task, begin and discontinue or get mired in the details. Barbara helps you shape the process so writing your life story is doable and achievable.